

Finaly I got the code from my bank so I could finish paypal signup. Added ability to donate (any number) money to me at the site. Hard to easy find out if I needed a premier or business account at paypal (so I settled at premier). Hopefully the system works (maybe someone want to donate to me to test it hehe).
Still thinking about what to use in next major version when users need to buy the game. Maybe Plimus or SoftCartPro. Hehe contacted my bank to see if they had anything about selling online. Their cost was minimum $100 + $500 setup cost. So no help there.

Anyway, been thinking on how to design the website. Current version is very porly built.
Want to integrate the readme/history/developers files to the site. Make a FAQ and things like that.

Continued working on my custom font, trying to make it as perfect as possible so you can view it crystal clear in a low sized font. I'm not using truetype (a color version to make the black font more sharp against a white background) but transparency so it will look good in any background font color.

Finaly got a download count in getjar. It's over 1000 downloads in just a few days :). The download files has been updated to 0.12.2 but it still displays the old version. Hopefully soon someone writes a review.

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